A good grip is essential when pole dancing, whether you’re training, performing or at a photoshoot. If you’re sweaty and sliding off the pole it’s frustrating and can be dangerous. Investing in a good pole grip can make all the difference to your pole practice. There is no shortage of products available on the market but what is the best grip aid for pole dancing?
There is no quick answer to that one, it’s a personal choice and the climate and condition of your skin make a difference in your personal favourite.
Whilst every poler will give you a different answer there are some firm favourites. Dry hands is a firm fav as is iTac. However, there are some issues with these two pole dance grip aids iTac is difficult to clean from poles and Dry Hands is in short supply outside of the USA and Canada.
Let’s take a look at your options so that you can decide which the best grip aid is for pole dancing.

The Best Pole Grip!
An australian pole grip created by a French Poilisher, who played golf.
Warren was looking for a grip solution for when he played a round of golf and his brother who played lawn bowls. He developed a beeswax grip that was a hit at the local sports club.

What they say
“iTac2 is a wax based grip aid you apply to your body and equipment to increase grip, repel water, stop sweat and increase your overall performance. iTac2 is branded for Sports and Pole Fitness and available in Regular and Extra Strength”
What we say
iTac2 is my personal favourite. It works well in the following locations
- the backs of the knees
- between the thighs
- upper arms
- elbow pits
- hands
I love to mix it with dry hands for the ultimate hand grip. But not when I want to spin on a static pole. Pole schools are sometimes against this pole grip as it can leave residue on the pole when too much is applied to the hands. I find a good rub with alcohol or pole cleaner removes the residue extremely well and tend to only apply a small amount to my skin at the start of training.

Dry Hands
This is Like Gold Dust
Dry hands is everyones favourite – which is why it’s like gold dust in some parts of the world and polers are paying thorugh nose for a bottle.
Shipping in combination with shipping rates outside of the USA are the main reason.
If you ever see any – buy some quick as it will some be out of stock again.

Dry hands doesn’t really need any introduction. If you have been in a pole studio I’m sure you’ll have heard about dry hands.
What they say
“The non-sticky gripping solution for hot, humid or rainy conditions. DRY HANDS is a performance enhancing solution that alleviates grip problems caused by perspiration or rain. So effective, it actually repels water. Feel the difference with DRY HANDS, the most natural and comfortable grip available in sports today.”
What we say
It’s another grip that was designed for golfers. The fact that almost any poler in the UK has a bottle in their pole bag says it all. If you can find some buy it!

Girlie Grip
Top Rated Pole Grip
Girlie grip was created by a pole dancer for pole dancers in around 2013. At the time it was the newest pole grip to hit the industry in years.
What they say.
“A few drops are all you need for a firm, confident, long lasting non-slip grip. You can stick a trick and still spin easily without re-applying. Apply it to the pole or your body, wherever a firmer, stronger grip is needed. Girlie Grip has a light fresh scent. It’s non-drying, leaves no residue, and washes off with soap and water. Girlie Grip is for Pole Dance, Pole Fitness and Pole Sport. It can also be used for many sports where a firm, strong, confident non-slip grip is needed, including Golf, Gymnastics, Weight Lighting, Rock Climbing, Bowling and Rowing.”
What we say.
We’d love to try this grip created in the USA by Sue Hooker, a pole dancer and pole instructor. The amazing Rafeale montana was a Girlie Grip ambasador back in 2019.

No Sweat Dry Grip
Top Rated Pole Grip
This pole grip came on the market in 2019 in Australia. The designers are based in New South Wales.
What they say
“NO SWEAT DRY GRIP. Whatever your sport, perform at your best! A multi-purpose grip aid designed, tried and tested to support Pole Dancers, Aerialists, Weight Lifters, Golfers, Gymnasts, Bowlers, Footballers, Baseballers, Tennis Players, Basketballers etc etc… You get the idea, whatever the sport, you can get a grip!”
“Simply shake the bottle well before you use. Then apply one drop and then pat hands together to spread evenly. To remove, wash hands with soap and water.”
What we say
Again, this is another one we would love to try…..think we’ll navigate to eBay and see if we can pop a bottle in our basket.

Dew Point
Top Pole Grip
Dew point products are owned by Shay Williamson, pole athlete and studio owner. Williamson bought the brand back in 2016.
What they say
“This is going to be a staple in your dance bag! Featuring an easy spray top, and available in 3 different formulas; you’re gonna LOVE your 4.5 oz Dew Point™!
Light: Works well in humid climates and/or for people who have normal to oily skin.
Medium: Works well in average to humid climates and/or for people with dry to normal skin.
Ultra: Works well in dry to normal climates and/or for people with very dry to normal skin.”
What we say
“I tried this product years ago, I loved it but never bought myself any. I’m not sure why because it really did work. Many fellow polers are fans of girlie grip. Each bottle is made to order, so you may have to wait a day or two for delivery. The great thing about this product is that it comes in three types and there is a handy flow chart to help you work out which product you need based on both the weather and your skins condition. It may be that you need one of each formulation – that way you are sorted whatever the weather and how your skin in behaving on the day.”

Shaving cream
Top Pole Grip
This is an old school favourite. Some schools have baskets full of the stuff for you to grab when doing inverts etc but other instructors look at you like you have lost the plot if you ask if shaving cream is allowed on the pole.
Shaving foam is cheap and it works well as leg grip if you’re skin is really dry. You can pick it up whenever you;re doing the grocery shop as well. So very convenient.

Mullers Stickum
An Alternative Pole Grip
The spray version of this became a thing for a while but it just rips your skin off when used for pole (it works well on silks and hoop though). Studio owners hate it as it leaves a horrible residue on the pole that it is impossible to get off without industrial cleaners.
It’s not easy to buy the spray anymore, but they have developed the Stickum Paste for athletes. If you’ve used it let us know what it’s like please.
Take a look at Stickum Paste on Amazon
Other Pole Grips
To Be Discussed Soon!
These are some more pole grips that we’re going to be looking more closely at soon…..
- Enviro
- Grip & Glow
- Sticky Molly
- Dragonfly
- Monkey Hands
- X-Dry
- Dragonfly
- Grip & Glow
- Dancing dust
As you can see there are a lot of grip aids on the market. This is in addition to all the grip aids for athletes and other sports that may also work well for pole dance.
Sophie Green has been pole dancing and aerial arts at home and in studios around the world for over 13 years. She’s taken a number of instructor courses in pole and aerial. Plus attended a course on rigging. She takes part in lots of exercise.